

Would you like to talk to a doctor or health provider from the comfort of your home or anywhere else you might be? With health concerns mounting about COVID-19, many people are choosing to connect with healthcare providers from the safety of their own homes. By using their computer, phone, and other digital devices, they […]

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Broadband That Matters: Education

Copper Valley Telecom has released the first in a series of videos showcasing the importance of Broadband Internet in Rural Alaska. This initial video showcases the educational opportunities and achievements that broadband has provided to students, who otherwise would not have had the same opportunities that students in urban areas have. “[Students] have access to […]

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Customized Business Services

Special Access Services Copper Valley Telecom delivers dependable, high capacity private line and special access circuits over its extensive fiber and microwave network in southcentral and eastern Alaska. We build custom wide area networks that connect customers’ facilities in our region with locations outside our region (such as in Fairbanks or Anchorage). We provide high […]

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