At times like these, every penny counts. When you asked for lower prices and simpler bills, we listened. We’re excited to announce that Copper Valley Telecom is sending a lot of change your way! An estimated $1.25 million worth of state and federal taxes and surcharges will be paid annually by CVT on behalf of our Customers. That means your bill will be considerably lower each month. We think that’s pretty exciting!
Taxes & Surcharges Paid by Copper Valley Telecom
RCC – Regulatory Cost Charge Goes towards the Regulatory Commission of Alaska to fund the commission’s budget.
AUSF – Alaska Universal Service Fund Surcharge A surcharge that goes to a state fund the supports Essential Network Support (ENS) and offsets the high cost of constructing and maintaining Alaska’s networks.
FUSC – Federal Universal service Cost Recovery Charge A subsidy for rural telephone exchanges as well as the federal “Lifeline Assistance” program.
SLC – Subscriber Line Charge The charge covers the costs of the local phone network.
ARC – Access Recovery Charge Intended to mitigate the effect of reduced inter-carrier revenues and facilitate continued investment in broadband.